Products & Service
Challenge, Choice, Solutions
Whether it's resolving a financial or management crisis, helping a new practice start out right or working with an established practice to increase efficiency and profitability, CIMplify has the tools and expertise to help a practice reach its goals. We offer real world solutions to real world problems. Every product and service provided by CIMplify has been tried and proven through our work with a variety of specialty medical practices, from small to large. To learn more about the results we've helped practices achieve, read our case studies.
Product Categories
- Technology Tools & Practice Management Support Services
- Practice Management
- Electronic Health Records
- Custom Reporting
- Document Imaging
- Office Productivity
- Forms Generation
- Administrative Services
- Billing & Collections
- Productivity Analysis
- IT Support
- Virtual Office
- Managed Care Contract Performance
- Consulting

Your Business Solution Partner
The “CIM” in our name stands for “Computerized Information Management.” The ability to put the power of technology to work for medical practices is an important part of our mission. Technology alone is just the vehicle, not the destination. The destination is control of information critical to a medical practice’s success.
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Find out current news, helpful information, business partners and useful links. Check out our blog section and the stories that have helped our company and clients. CIMplify is here help you with future practice management questions or needs. We regularly update our news section to keep you as up to date as we are!