Office Productivity

CIMplify can provide your practice with the tools necessary to automate many office tasks, including:
* Word Processing
* Spreadsheet
* Presentation
* Desktop Database
* Desktop Publishing
As with all of our technology tools and services, CIMplify manages the technology to minimize the demands on your practice, enabling your personnel to focus on the real job at hand.
A Legacy of Medical Practice Successes A physician-owned company, CIMplify has worked with specialty medical practices throughout the country since 1997. Early on, it was recognized as one of the largest national consulting firms serving specialty medical practices. It was during this growth that the importance of a coherent IT strategy became apparent, as did the need to provide 24/7 technical support.
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Stay up to date with medical needs on CIMplify's news page. Check out the stories that have helped our company and that could help you with future medical questions or needs. We reguraly update our news section to keep you as up to date as we are.
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