Practice Management Software

A Windows-based, easy-to-use, powerful software program that integrates scheduling, registration, charge entry, billing and collection functions for quick access to critical information needed to manage your practice.
* Clients can perform all of the five functions outlined above or contract with CIMplify's Central Billing Office (CBO) to carry them out partially or in full.
* A color-coded system allows for easy entry of appointments, which can be moved without re-entering information, searched for by patient's name or other identifiers and viewed in a variety of ways, including: the entire group's weekly schedule or each physician's schedule by appointment time, office site, patient information, length of visit, account number and other variables.
* The patient registration module prompts operators to obtain all demographic and insurance information needed to bill and collect from payors and patients.
* The charge entry function automatically coordinates with scheduling, catches incorrect information, and allows for quick viewing of key patient information, such as payment history.
* With all insurance information and charge entry complete—without entering it multiple times—billing and claims submission is accomplished by the touch of a button, electronically submitting the data or by printing a claim for mailing.
* Collections and insurance follow-up are automatically prompted at the proper time, and, if appropriate, letters are generated and collection agencies are notified.
A Legacy of Medical Practice Successes A physician-owned company, CIMplify has worked with specialty medical practices throughout the country since 1997. Early on, it was recognized as one of the largest national consulting firms serving specialty medical practices. It was during this growth that the importance of a coherent IT strategy became apparent, as did the need to provide 24/7 technical support.
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